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John Bilkey's Web Site

Home About Me My Sites Projects

My Featured Websites

Kenwood TS-440 HF Radio QRZ
My amateur radio page and logbook.
Radio WJEB Radio
My radio station, broadcasting on the airwaves and on Discord!
Computer JohnOS
If you miss Windows 98 or XP, JohnOS is my replacement shell for Windows that looks like 98/XP.

On The Web

I have quite the digital footprint!

LinkedIn I'd love to connect with you on LinkedIn to build my professional network.
Discord johnb_xp#9074
Reddit The Frontpage of the Internet
GitHub GitHub is a popular website for managing and sharing code for open source projects.
Instagram I frequently share photos on Instagram.
The MSOE Historical Society - YouTube A club I founded at MSOE dedicated to preserving and sharing our university's history.
CrackBerry The #1 Site for BlackBerry Users and Abusers!
OpenStreetMap I have contributed a lot to mapping rural Wisconsin and my hometown.
Scratch Scratch is an extremely complex, high level abstraction layer for cloud based computing and script execution.
Steam I pretty much only play TF2 and Minecraft. You can see my stats and add me as a friend on Steam.
YouTube My YouTube channel is a collection of all kinds of random videos I make and share every once in a while.
DTube A decentralized, blockchain based video platform.

2024 John Bilkey